Sanctuaries in the Snow

The Keith Glen Beidleman Plaque (Aspen Mountain)

There is a plaque dedicated to Keith Glen Beidleman at the top of the Keith Glen run on Aspen Mountain.  He died on June 16, 1986, at the age of 23, while clearing trails on Bell Mountain.

Keith Glen Beidleman's brother is Neal Beidleman, an Aspen native and accomplished skier and climber.  Neal is the author of a book, “Aspen Ski and Snowboard Guide” which is dedicated to his brother, “who was killed clearing trails for the gondola installation in 1986” according to the trail description for Keith Glen found on page 29 of the book. 

In an article in the Winter 2009/Spring 2010 issue of Aspen Peak magazine ("What's in a Name?" on pages 162-63) by Greg Fitzsimmons, the following is stated:  "A log dislodged from its uphill binding, rolled the fall line of Back of Bell 3 and struck Beidleman at the confluence between Spar Gulch and Copper.  'It's so strange that something like that happens when so many of us live for the dangerous pursuits,' says Aspenite Neal Beidleman, legendary mountaineer and older brother of Keith.  'I go up there for one of my first runs every year just as a reminder.'"  

Photos of the plaque are below.

If you have any photos of or information about this item that you would like to share for use on this page, please send to the author at

This plaque is covered in the book, "Sanctuaries in the Snow--The Shrines and Memorials of Aspen/Snowmass."  The book may be purchased on this page on this site:

This plaque is part of a Facebook photo album that covers various signs and plaques on Aspen Mountain (you do not need to have a Facebook account in order to view the album):


Click on images to enlarge.